WesTrac End-of-Trip Changeroom and Ablution Facilities

Fleetwood was engaged by WesTrac to deliver a full turnkey solution to support the wellbeing of their workforce at their WA head office. The proposed end-of-trip (EOT) and ablution facilities would encourage staff to cycle, jog or walk to work rather than driving or taking public transport.
The project site featured a sloping block, requiring additional site works to remove and level the concrete driveway. The client also wanted the building to rest against the retaining wall and blend seamlessly with the existing walkway shelter.
The new EOT facility and ablution block design features a bright yellow entry statement to match the existing style of the nearby WesTrac main building. After passing through the security turnstiles and spacious entry hall, visitors are welcomed by clean, modern amenities including lockers, showers and plenty of bench space. Large floor to ceiling windows provide ample natural light through the main corridor.
As per the client brief, the facilities are seamlessly integrated with the main site structures, linked via the existing walkway shelter and pathways. The building is comprised of 10 modules, totalling 530 square metres. The amenities include:
- 221 lockers
- Bike racks
- security turnstiles
- 16 showers (4 female, 12 male)
- 9 toilets
- universal access toilet; and
- cleaners store
Fleetwood worked closely with the client from the very beginning of the process to quote, detail specifications, design and provide options to assist with their overall planning and budgeting process. The turnstiles provide increased security and seamlessly integrate with WesTrac building access control systems.
The resulting product now provides their workforce with a high-quality facility that encourages healthier habits within their workforce, as well as reducing the demand for car parking.