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Lota State School

Two GLAs with connecting ramps and walkways


Fleetwood was contracted to supply and install a new building used for prep students at Lota State School in Queensland for the Department of Education. The project saw the removal of an existing shed on site along with further site works completed including a covered ramp connected to the existing walkway for easy access. Provisions for concrete pathways and fencing plus the connection of services including power, data, security, stormwater, waste and water were completed as part of the scope of works (5 weeks in total).


Fleetwood’s role was to deliver a full turnkey solution, which specifically included the decant and demolition of an existing shed, design and construct solution of 2 General Learning Areas (GLA’s), along with several connecting decking’s, ramps, concrete paths, fencing and connection to existing services.


The advantages of delivering a modular solution is eminent as shown with the ability to deliver an entire structure (272m2) over just a few days and have it operational in a fraction of the time of a traditional build. With student enrolments increasing the temporary solution has allowed the school to continue to grow without hindering class sizes.

Lota State School Gallery