Fleetwood Secures Major Victorian Modular Cell Contract

cell accommodation blocks
Fleetwood Corporation Limited (ASX: FWD) (Fleetwood) is pleased to advise that the Victorian Department of Justice and Community Safety (DJCS) has awarded Fleetwood subsidiary, Modular
Building Systems Pty Ltd, a $41.5m contract for the manufacture and supply of 460 modular cells to support the Victorian Government’s Prison Infill Expansion Program.
Fleetwood is proud to be providing local jobs as we manufacture new cell accommodation blocks for the project – Barwon Prison – with a total of five Victorian prisons to undergo capacity expansion between now and 2023. The $135 million Barwon project will provide an additional 196 beds, plus a new visitor centre, light industries building, and men’s shed.
Our modular steel prison cells deliver maximum security, combined with build speed, functionality, and future adaptability. An ideal solution to flexibly meet changes in prison demand requirements and strengthen the local economy.
Fleetwood’s deliverables are currently scheduled to be completed by October 2021.
Managing Director & CEO, Brad Denison said, “Part of Fleetwood’s strategic intent when acquiring Modular Building Systems in 2018 was to take its modular cell capability into geographical regions outside New South Wales. This contract is an example of the type of expansion we have been targeting. We look forward to continuing our strong relationship with the Victorian Government and more specifically, DJCS to deliver this important project.”
This announcement was authorised by Brad Denison, Managing Director & CEO.
For further information, please contact:
Andrew Wackett
CFO & Company Secretary
+61 8 9323 3300