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Kingston Community School

New permanent modular six classroom facility


Kingston Community School required an upgrade to replace ageing, asbestos riddled facilities on campus. Fleetwood was engaged to manufacture, transport and install the new permanent modular classroom facility, bringing world class learning environments to the regional school and helping them prepare for year 7 students to move into high school in 2022.

Fleetwood also connected all site services to the new building and incorporated several client-driven design features such as high-level windows for more natural light, finishes and fixtures that complement the natural surroundings, and most importantly a future-proofed construction method to allow for further expansion of the building and deck in the future.


Due to the regional location (307kms from the Adelaide CBD), a modular solution was chosen to deliver a quick, cost effective, world-class upgrade for the school community. Over a mere 21 weeks on site, Fleetwood’s dedicated team completed the demolition of the declining infrastructure, as well as civil works to prepare the site for the new buildings.

The structure includes a main building containing six general learning areas and breakout spaces, two meeting rooms and amenities, as well as a Food Technology Building that includes a textiles serviced learning area, food technology area, laundry, external deck and teachers prep.

The main building consists of 15 modules while the food technology classroom added an additional 7, bringing the total size of the completed build to 860 square metres!


Kingston Community School is now equipped with a brand new state of the art facility, as one of the many SA schools to benefit from the State Government’s $1.3 Billion Education Infrastructure rollout of the Year 7 to High School program.

Fleetwood provided experienced and responsive client service, conducting a full internal architectural and structural value management approach to improve the design, provide cost savings and enable the project to proceed as the initial designs issued were well over the client’s budget.

Fleetwood was proud to partner with the school community and Department for Education South Australia to drive the update of permanent modular buildings within the state as a much faster method of modern construction. Modern modular classrooms rival the function, durability, and aesthetics of a traditional build while also allowing facilities to be delivered in a shorter timeframe and often at a lower cost.

Kingston Community School Gallery