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Narembeen Accommodation Village

Purpose-built 120 man camp


Fleetwood was selected by Explaurum Operations to deliver a full turnkey accommodation solution for workers at the Tampia Gold mine operations. The purpose-built 120-man camp, situated 1km from the Narembeen township and 25 kilometres from the mine, was built in just three months, providing a rapid, easily accessible housing solution with close ties to the local community.


Fleetwood expertly navigated the unique remote site challenge – designing the facilities to be self-sufficient where needed. To combat extremely poor site soil conditions, site preparation included clearing 200mm topsoil from the site, plus the importation and compaction of 700mm clean fill. Screw piles were also installed for all buildings on-site to adhere to engineering requirements and an independent wastewater treatment plant for the camp was constructed, as existing wastewater infrastructure was unable to meet the increased demand.

The completed facilities include:

  • 28 x Single Person Quarters (SPQ’s)
  • Dry mess
  • Linen and laundries
  • Administration building
  • Recreation room
  • Ablution block
  • Chemical store


The full turnkey solution will provide facilities for workers throughout the duration of the Tampia Gold mine project, which will see the ore from the Narembeen deposit trucked to Ramelius Resources’ processing plant at Edna May Mine. The camp’s proximity to the town centre reduces barriers, enabling access to all the benefits of the local and existing community amenities such as the gymnasium, bowls club, swimming pool and sporting groups with the added benefit of promoting improved outcomes for remote workers health and wellbeing. Fleetwood is proud to have provided this accommodation solution that generates considerable short-term flow-on benefits such as the creation of local employment for businesses. In the long term, once mine operations are complete the camp may be re-activated for a second life cycle as a short-term accommodation facility. All screw piles can be removed, as they are less intrusive than traditional construction methods and the camp footprint restored to its previous state.

Narembeen Accommodation Village Gallery